The trails saw a lot of action today! Although we got more snow than predicted, it was a warmer, wetter snow, so we will see how the new groomer does renovating it after it sets up overnight. We are still learning the 'ins and outs' of this new groomer, and this is my first experience using it with such a wet, sticky snow.
Based on tomorrow's predicted temperatures, I think the best skiing will be in the morning, before it warms up too much. I think by late afternoon we will start to melt back to grass in several spots, and likely won't be able to re-groom or open Sunday. Next week's weather shows unseasonable highs in the mid 50s, but by 2 Feb we are supposed to see more snow and colder air, so I expect our temporary trail closure will be short. Photo from this morning (as tonight's regroom finished in the dark):
