We will have the above two loops groomed and open for skiing tomorrow for Thanksgiving and beyond, until the snow melts out. There is good coverage in many spots where the previous snow-storm's base is still there, but thin in spots where it melted back completely before this recent storm. Also, there is NO CARPET under the few cart path crossings yet on both loops, so still early season conditions and you must ski with care. This recent storm did not provide enough snow to allow us to set classic tracks yet.
The Country Club at Woodmoor will be closed for the Thanksgiving holiday, but two of our volunteer board members have offered to sell day passes and staff the rental shop for walk-ins tomorrow (Thursday) at the rental shop, but ONLY FROM 8:30-10:30am, allowing us to open the trails to the general public as well, and not just season pass holders.
Hopefully the snow will hold up through the weekend, and we can get the cart paths covered with carpet and shoveled with more snow to improve these two loops. We also assessed the blue and black loops (they are CLOSED for now, for safety reasons), and with more work and another storm or two, should be ready to groom and open, along with the green-blue loop.
Happy Thanksgiving, think snow!